Request homo review of videos marked "Not suitable for most advertisers"

If the content of a video you uploaded is identified as not suitable for most advertisers, you'll see a yellow dollar sign, adjacent to the video.

A video volition be marked "Not suitable for nearly advertisers" if:

  • Our automated systems remember your content is not suitable for all brands.
    • Note: If you think our systems made a mistake, so y'all can request man review. Your review gets sent to an skilful and their decisions help our systems get smarter over fourth dimension. Deleting the video and re-uploading won't assist. Videos tin only be submitted for review 1 time and the review decision cannot be overturned. Learn more than almost how advertizing-friendly reviews piece of work.
  • Our human experts confirmed that your video does not run into our advertiser-friendly content guidelines.

How to check monetization & review status

Y'all tin use the checks page during upload to screen your video for advertizement suitability and copyright claims before publishing it. If your video is marked "Not suitable for most advertisers" and you think we got it wrong, you can request a man review.

Note: Copyright and advert suitability checks results aren't last. For example, future

manual claims


copyright strikes

, and

edits to your video settings

may bear upon your video. If your video'southward metadata is changed later on publishing and is no longer suitable for ads, new monetization restrictions might exist visible in your video list.

How monetization status is applied

We use machine learning to decide if it meets our advertiser-friendly content guidelines during the upload process. This besides applies to scheduled live streams, where our systems look at the championship, description, thumbnail, and tags fifty-fifty before the stream goes live.

We know our organization doesn't always get it right, so if you run into a yellow icon and experience our automatic systems fabricated a mistake, you can appeal. Such reviews will assist our systems get smarter over time.

If you're non sure why your video has the yellow icon, review our advertiser-friendly content guidelines, not just against the content of the video, just also the title, description, thumbnail, and tags. Additionally, blank videos or videos without a title or metadata likely don't provide enough context to assistance our systems understand if the content is suitable for all advertisers, so it may atomic number 82 to a yellowish icon status for the video.

How to appeal

If you believe that your video is suitable for all brands, you can entreatment the conclusion by requesting a human review. Nosotros receive many requests to monetize videos every day and review these submissions as quickly every bit possible.

You tin can encounter your videos that aren't suitable for all advertisers by clicking the drop-downwards menu next to View in the top correct, then choosing Limited or no ads.

Follow the steps below to submit your appeal from your calculator:

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio.
  2. From the left bill of fare, select Content.
  3. Make certain that your content follows our advertiser-friendly content guidelines. Keep in mind that advertisers take a selection almost where to show their ads.
  4. Go to the video yous'd like to entreatment nether the Restrictions cavalcade, where Ad suitability is listed.
  5. Hover overAd suitabilitythen clickAsking review and follow the on-screen instructions. You'll only encounter this option if your video is eligible for entreatment. Once you submit, the text next to the video will update with your appeal'due south status.

Note: You can likewise submit your appeal using the YouTube Studio app.

How does the appeals process work?

When you lot asking a man review (e.g. appeal the current monetization status), the video gets looked at by an skilful who spends time watching the video and reviewing the video's content, title, and metadata against our advertiser-friendly content guidelines.

Go on in mind that the video'due south icon status may change fifty-fifty after your video is submitted for review. Our systems proceed to run their scans until the review has been completed. You'll know when a final decision has been fabricated on your review when you go an email update.

Acquire more than nigh monetization icon changes betwixt green and yellow.

How long does review take?

We know these reviews are important to you lot and your acquirement. Human reviews tin take up to 7 days. We strive to review as many videos every bit humanly possible, and as chop-chop and accurately as possible. Because we're a platform that has hundreds of millions of videos, we accept to set up guidelines around which videos get reviewed first. This is to make certain nosotros review those videos that are getting substantial traffic.

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