
When Do I Need To Register My Business

Do I need to register my business and how do I do it

Starting a new business organization is an exciting time, and in that location's a lot to recollect most, from what you're going to call your business concern to how you'll promote your products or services. One question that you might be left wondering is "do I need to annals my business concern and how do I do it?"

In this article, we'll explain when y'all need to annals your business organization with HMRC and Companies Business firm and how to go about doing so, whether you're trading equally a sole trader or a limited company.

When do you have to annals a business?

Many people begin trading equally a sideline, before deciding to turn their hobby into a business. Merely when do you need to register as a concern?

If you're making less than £ane,000 per year, you are able to accept reward of the trading income allowance. This means that you can earn upward to £one,000 per year without informing HMRC. As shortly as you lot reach this £1,000 threshold, y'all'll need to register your business with HMRC and start completing an annual self-assessment tax return.

It's important to call back that this £i,000 annual earnings threshold for trading income allowance relates to income, rather than turn a profit. This means that as soon equally your concern begins turning over £1,000, yous'll need to register your business with HMRC.

Sole trader or limited company?

Earlier you register your concern, you'll need to make up one's mind on a legal construction for your business. The most popular options in the UK are sole trader, partnership and express company. Let's take a expect at these options in more detail.

Sole trader

If yous ain and control a business lone, you may decide to operate your business organization as a sole trader, on a self employed basis. This ways that you have sole responsibleness for your concern, although yous may cull to utilize other staff.

From a legal perspective, the business does not have its ain legal standing: it is legally attached to the sole trader.  If your sole trader business is successful, all of the profits belong to you as the business concern possessor. Nevertheless, it's also important to note that if the business concern falls into difficulty, y'all are responsible for the debts of the business.


If you lot are planning to beginning a business organisation with ane of more other individuals, you may make up one's mind to run the business as a partnership. This enables 2 or more than individuals to be jointly responsible for the business, sharing profit, loss and decisions between the partners of the business organization.

Liability in a partnership is similar to that of a sole trader, except the liability is split up between the partners, rather than one individual. However, it is possible to create a partnership agreement to found culling terms and contractually define the business relationship.

Limited company

If y'all're looking to limit your liability, y'all may be considering forming a limited company. Express companies have 1 disquisitional difference when compared to partnerships and sole traderships: a limited company is its own legal entity, meaning that it exists legally in its own correct. This means that a express company holds its own liability, then the directors and shareholders are not responsible for any unpaid business concern debts, excluding their investment into the business concern.

When yous grade a limited visitor, you lot tin then be a managing director and/or shareholder of the business concern. Although any profits belong to the concern, you can draw a managing director's salary, along with shareholder dividends. This may piece of work out more than tax efficient than acting as a sole trader, although it's always best to consult a qualified auditor to exist certain.

How to register a business

How to register a business organisation

In one case you lot've decided on the correct legal structure for your business organisation, it'south time to register it. The process of registering a business volition depend on the legal structure that you've called. Let'due south take a look at the steps you'll need to follow to register your business officially, whether you've called to become a sole trader, a partnership or a limited company.

Registering a business organisation as a sole trader

If you've decided to set up your business as a sole trader, the process of registering your concern is relatively straightforward. You'll simply demand to annals online for self-assessment with HMRC before 5th October in your business concern' second taxation yr.

The registration procedure is elementary, consisting of a short online form. Later completing this, you'll so receive a alphabetic character containing your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR), which you'll need to file your self-assessment tax return. Yous'll receive a 2d letter containing an activation code which you lot'll use to activate your online account. After your account has been activated, yous'll then exist able to complete a tax return for your get-go yr of trading.

Registering a business as a partnership

When you brainstorm a partnership, you lot'll demand to designate i partner as the 'nominated partner'. This person volition exist responsible for registering the new partnership with HMRC. Y'all can practise this through either an online partnership registration form or by completing form SA400.

Each of the partners will also need to register equally cocky employed with HMRC, post-obit the aforementioned procedure as a sole trader. You'll exist required to submit an annual self-assessment form for the partnership, as well every bit for each private partner.

Registering a concern as a limited company

If you determine that a express visitor is the right legal structure for your concern, you'll need to register your company with Companies House, likewise every bit registering for Corporation Taxation. Registering your limited visitor with Companies House is relatively straightforward and the majority of applications are approved in just a few hours.

Before y'all tin can register your limited company, there are a few things yous'll need to ensure that you have. These include:

  • A unique company name
  • A registered address for your business
  • Details of the company's directors
  • Details of the company'southward shareholders

The cost of registering your limited company with Companies House is £12 and must exist paid at the fourth dimension of application.

One time your awarding to register your company is complete, you'll receive a letter from HMRC which explains your legal obligations as a express company. This letter volition also contain your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) which you volition be able to apply to register your limited company for Corporation Tax.

You will also need to register every bit an employer and ready up PAYE (Pay As You Earn) to be able to pay whatever employees, every bit well as paying yourself a director's salary.

When do you need to annals your business with Companies House?

Many business concern owners wonder whether they demand to register their business organisation with Companies House. Companies Business firm is responsible for keeping an official annals of companies within the United kingdom.

If y'all are operating every bit a sole trader or partnership, in that location is no need to register with Companies House. Yet, if you plan to merchandise as a express company or limited liability partnership, you volition demand to be registered with Companies House before you tin can begin trading.

When do you need to register for VAT

When do y'all need to register for VAT?

Whether you're trading as a sole trader, a partnership or a express visitor, you'll need to register your business for VAT if your VAT taxable turnover is higher than the VAT threshold, which currently sits at £85,000 in a rolling 12 month catamenia.

To register for VAT, you'll demand to use HMRC's online VAT registration service. This involves creating a VAT online business relationship which you will and then utilize to submit your VAT returns to HMRC.

When Do I Need To Register My Business,


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